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Robert Kirkwood joins BuildAid
Robert has taken on the role of Chair of Trustees at BuildAid. BuildAid provide specialist construction aid in the form of design expertise, cost planning and project management. They deliver permanent new-build and re-construction projects for people in desperate need around the world. They exist to bridge the critical gap in aid delivery, between short… View Article

Robert Kirkwood joins Spatia
We are delighted to announce Robert Kirkwood as Development Director. Robert possesses a wide range of development and construction management experience in contracting and professional consultancies working on office, retail, premium residential, industrial and energy networks. He has a particular interest in sustainable design and adopting ‘modern methods of construction’ in procurement. With a wide… View Article

Trusted Land Awards 2021.
Gavin has been delighted to have been asked by Alex Harrington-Griffin to join the judging panel and nominate his choice for the Trusted Land Awards 2021. Gavin has been working with Alex over the past few years and there is no more enthusiastic and energetic person in SME residential property development today. He is hugely supportive of… View Article

Affordable, greener, fairer housing growth in Bristol: collective ambitions or a conflict of interests?
Can Bristol achieve its ambitions or do conflicting interests stand in the way? The team from Tury, following the Bristol Housing Festival expo asked Gavin and other key players in the city delivering the housing agenda, what he thinks are Bristol’s priorities and how they can best achieved. “In my experience, this is where collaboration… View Article
Spatia connects with the Midlands
Neil Lawrence has joined Spatia to support its search for collaborative development opportunities in the East and West Midlands as well as in the South West. Neil who is based in the Midlands region has over 30 years property experience with particular focus in the industrial and logistics sectors and will look to build on… View Article
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